27 August 2013

The Blog's Title

So is been exactly approximately 6 months since the last post, and I've been eager to explain to title of the blog.

Let's cut to the chase, I was busy being lazy. That's were the problem started.

So I was too lazy make hotdog, but I had the sausages, I had the mayonnaise. Dipping the sausage in the mayonnaise jar made extremely simple midnight snack which involved no dish washing which is always taken into consideration when I'm making food.

While I was dipping and eating, dipping and eating, and I know it's double dipping, but that's not a thing, germs are everywhere, get use to it, build up that immune system. So ... As I was dipping, the sausage broke off, in the jar ... and there was no way in hell i was going to get it back without getting my hands saucy or retrieving a sausage drenched in mayonnaise. It was a lose, lose situation.

I eventually got a hold of the sausage which was dripping in cholesterol ... put it on a bun ... and ate ... climactic isn't it.

To morals that can be gathered from the story is actually what you want to take away from it.

One: Don't be bloody lazy.
Two: Give a little bit more effort, it won't come back to bite you in the ass.
Three: If you're only gonna be dipping the tip, pretty soon you'll gonna be all in, and then you have a bun in the oven.
Four: Getting out of trap is always going to require some effort.
Five: Man up, and own up to your mistake.
Six: Use Ketchup.

Good night and spread tight.

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